Monday 10 April 2017

Advaitic wisdom is crystal clear. You won't be able to add even a small bit of your own interpretation to it.*****

Atman, Brahman, God, ultimate truth ‘Self’, Soul, awareness, consciousness are different names for the one and the same truth hidden by the ‘I’, which is the inborn ignorance.
When the ignorance vanishes through Advaitic wisdom then the Soul, the Self alone prevails in its own awareness.

The Soul is present in the form of the consciousness. The Soul is the witness-consciousness that experiences the action, the actor, and the world of separate things. It is like a light that illuminates everything in a theatre, revealing the master of ceremonies, the guests, and the dancers with complete impartiality. Even when they all depart, the light shines to reveal their absence.

Advaitic wisdom is crystal clear. You won't be able to add even a small bit of your own interpretation to it.

The ultimate truth cannot be written the truth. Only one can indicate the Advaitic truth, which is beyond the form, time and space.

There is no way to distort or twist the ultimate truth and also there is no chance to add anything. Sage Sri, Sankara has given such an expression that no one has been able to add or take anything from the Advaitic truth, even though centuries have passed. It is not easy to give such a perfect expression. Such skill with words to indicate the truth, which is beyond the form, time and space, is very difficult to come by.

The Atmic path is a rare journey to realize the truth, which is beyond the form, time and space. If there is no form, then there is no time and space.

The populace has no interest in the Atmic oath. All the saints, all the Gurus all the religious heads, all the Godmen, none of them has any interest because with the Advaitic wisdom they cannot go on playing their dualistic games.

All the Gurus and Saints interest was to inspire the populace. They wanted the whole country to get involved in religion and the mythology was helpful.

Advaita is nothing to do with emotions and sentiments of the populace. The Gurus are not interested, the politicians are not interested, and the yogis have nothing to do with the truth, which is beyond the form, time and space because they cannot impose anything. There is no room for the duality in Advaitic reality.

The sense of ‘I’ itself is ignorance. In reality, the world in which you exist is merely an illusion created out of the ‘Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.

Those Gurus hold the ‘I’ as the ‘Self’ only propagating the half-baked knowledge as the ultimate truth. And those who follow such Gurus will remain like stagnant water in the muddy pond.

Those Gurus who say “You are not this, there is nothing of yours in this, except the 'I am', which is the bridge between the watcher and his dream. ‘I AM THIS; I AM THAT' is a dream, while pure 'I AM' has the stamp of reality on it. You have tasted so many things -- all came to naught. Only the sense 'I am' persisted -- unchanged. Stay with the changeless among the changeful, until you are able to go beyond”. ~ Such declaration keeps you permanently in ignorance because it is based on form alone. These gurus think the ‘Self’ is within you whereas you and your experience of the world are within the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.

When the Self is not you then what is the use of saying ‘I am not this ‘I am that without realizing what the ‘Self’ is in actuality.    

You have to make sure what is this ‘I’ supposed to be?  You have to make sure the unreal nature of the ‘I’ which comes and goes in order to realize the truth, which is hidden by the ‘I’.  the  ‘I’ is present in the form of the form, time, and space.

That is why Bhagavad Gita: ~ “The permanent is always there, only the transient ‘I’ comes and goes. (2.18)

The ‘I’ hides the Soul, the Self.

People think the ‘I’ without the body is the Self. The seeker has to understand the fact that the fact that ‘I’ is not the Self, but the witness of the ‘I’ is the true Self, which is eternal.

That is why Ashtavakra Gita 16:10:~ “If you desire liberation, but you still say "I," if you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, you are not a wise man or a seeker. You are simply a man who suffers.

People are stuck with the reality of the ‘I’, which they take it as real because some Gurus have propagated the Self is the ‘I’.  there is no need to convince such mindset. The seeker of truth accepts only the truth nothing but the truth.

Without knowing what is this ‘I’ supposed to be in actuality it is impossible to grasp the truth, which is hidden by the ‘I’.

You and your world are within the ‘I’, which the dualistic illusion.  The ‘Self’ is not ‘I’ but the Soul, witness of the ‘I’, which is the dualistic illusion. You and your experience of the world are nothing to do with the ‘I’, which is the dualistic illusion.

Thus, you and your individual experience of the birth, life, death and the world is nothing to do with the Soul, the innermost Self. When the ignorance vanishes, then the Soul, the innermost Self, remains in its own awareness.

Our body and the world in which we exist are made out of single clay. That single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness. Thus, the whole universe in which we exist is nothing but the consciousness.  Thus, the consciousness alone is real and the universe in which we exist is mere an illusion. Thus, all the contents of the universe are mere an illusion.

You are bound by birth, life and death and the world. You are born within the world, which is mere, an illusion. You are living within the illusory world, and you are going to die within the illusory world. Whatever is born, lives and dies within the illusory world is not the Self.

Only in illusion, there is form, time and space. The form, time and space within the illusory world, is nothing to do with the Soul, the innermost Self. The Soul is present in the form of the consciousness.  On the standpoint of the Soul, the innermost Self, there is no scope form, time and space. In the real nature of the Soul, there is no duality.

All the years you have passed are within the illusion. Billions of past and future years belong to the illusion.  The things that happened billions of years ago and the things that are to happen billions of years from now are happenings within the illusion.   

The illusion is an illusion is nothing to do with the Soul, the Self. The Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness, is the ultimate truth or Brahman.  The practical life within the practical world is nothing to do with the Soul, the Self.  

The Soul is the formless substance and the witness of the illusion.  In the realm of the truth, the substance and the witness of the illusion are one in essence. That essence is the Soul or the consciousness.  Thus, the consciousness is ultimate truth or Brahman or God.   : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sunday 9 April 2017

People are stuck to some Gurus and their ‘I’ centric teaching gets stuck to permanently to the cage of ignorance thinking their Guru is sacred and their Gurus teaching as final.*****

People are stuck to some Gurus and their ‘I’ centric teaching gets stuck to permanently to the cage of ignorance thinking their Guru is sacred and their Gurus teaching as final. Such acceptance leads only to hallucination.  
 You, your body and the world in which you exits, are within the dualistic illusion, which is present in the form of the ‘I’.
 Realize you are not you, your body is not the body the world in which you exist is not the world but they are all made of single clay. That single clay is Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of the consciousness
 Those who Gurus who propagated the ‘Self’ is within the body are erred. This mistake has to be rectified in order to realize the Soul, the Self, which is present in the form of the consciousness, is fullness of consciousness.  By emotionally sticking to these ’I’-centric gurus and their teachings you will remain permanently in the domain of the ignorance.
 Because of ignorance you think you are an individual separate from the world and world existed prior to you, you are born in it later on. The ‘I’ is in born ignorance cause of the experiencing the world in which you exist as a reality whereas the world in which you exist is the dualistic illusion.
 Whatever belongs to dualistic illusion is bound to be and illusion. So, your experience of the birth, life, death and the world is bound to be an illusion.
Everyone is holding some teaching or teacher or their accepted truth as a yardstick. All the accumulated egocentric knowledge is inadequate or useless in unfolding the mystery of the mind or universe.
The I is inborn samskara or conditioning, because of this inborn samskara or conditioning one has accepted the I as the ‘‘Self’’, he is ignorant of the fact that the I itself is the cause of ignorance. Because of this I   he has accepted illusion as a reality.   Therefore, there is a need to realize what is this I?  in actuality. Without knowing what is this I? in actuality it is impossible to unfold the hidden truth which is beyond the form, time and space.

Till you hold the ‘Self ‘as the ‘I’ you will never be able to get Self-realization.  ‘I’ hides the Soul, which is the innermost Self. ‘

I’ is ignorance.
‘I’ is the duality.
‘I’ is the form, time and space.
‘I’ is the universe.
‘I’ is the waking.
‘I’ is the dream.
‘I’ is the illusion.
‘I’ is the experience of birth, life, death and the world.


Without the ‘I’ there is no ignorance.
Without the ‘I’ there is no duality.
Without the ‘I’ there is no form, time and space
Without the ‘I’ there is no universe.
Without the ‘I’ there is no waking.
Without the ‘I’ there is no dream.
Without the ‘I’ there is no illusion.
Without the ‘I’ there is no experience of birth, life, death and the world.

The ‘I’ hides the truth of the Soul, the Self.

That is why Ashtavakra Gita 16:10:~ If you desire liberation, but you still say ‘I,’, If you feel the ‘Self’ is the ‘I’, you are not a wise man or a seeker. You are simply a man who suffers.

Bhagvad Gita: ~ The permanent is always there, only the transient ‘I’ comes and goes. (2.18)

It is time to discard the ‘I’. Never use word the ‘I’ or I AM for the Self.   : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Saturday 8 April 2017

By glorifying the Guru or surrendering to the Guru you will not get Advaitic Gnana.*****

You go to mountain only to enjoy the beauty and serenity of the mountains but not for getting the Advaitic wisdom of Sage Sri, Sankara.

Remember you are a truth seeker you will not accept anything other than the truth. 
By visiting the Ashram, the ignorance will not vanish. By glorifying the Guru or surrendering to the Guru you will not get Advaitic Gnana. All religious and yogic paths meant for the ignorant crowd, not for those who are searching the truth of their true existence.

By practicing kundalini you will remain in ignorance permanently. Meeting holy people you will not get the grace.

Sage Sri, Sankara himself said: ~ A Gnani "bears no outward mark of a holy man" (Stanza 539).

Sage Sri, Sankara: ~ "Though I wear these robes of a Sanyasin, it is only for the sake of bread."

So he wore a Guru's robe only for the sake the ignorant. So he was identified as Guru with parampara by religious people. For the truth seekers, Sage Sri, Sankara is a Brahma Gnani.

Thus, it proves that the religious gurus and yogis are not Gnanis because they identified themselves as holy people. 

Tripura Rahasya: ~ Second-hand knowledge of the Self-gathered from books or Gurus can never emancipate a man until its truth is rightly investigated and applied; only direct realization will do that. Realize yourself, turning the mind inward. (18: 89)

By observing the nature you will not find the truth you are seeking for but by realizing the unreal nature of the universe the truth you are seeking will be revealed on its own.

Chandogya Upanishads: ~ “This universe comes forth from Brahman and will return to Brahman. Verily, all is Brahman. A person is what his deep desire is. It is our deepest desire in this life that shapes the life to come. So let us direct our deepest desires to realize the Self.

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ “The universe rises from the Soul, the innermost Self like bubbles from the sea. Thus know the ‘Self’ to be One and in this way enter into the state of dissolution."

Sage Sri, Sankara said: ~A.A~ 88. When the whole universe, movable and immovable, is known to be Atman (consciousness), and thus the existence of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is Atman?

The ‘Self’ is not the mind. The mind is present in the form of not the world in which we exist.  The world appears as waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (nonduality).    The ‘Self’ is the Soul. The Soul is present in the form of the consciousness. The consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Thus, the diversity is created out of a single stuff. That stuff is the consciousness.

The consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman because there is no second thing exist other than the consciousness.   On the standpoint of the Soul, the form, time and space are one, in essence. 

In spirituality, God means the ultimate truth or Brahman. Self –realization is truth- realization. Truth- realization is God realization.

Sage Sri, Sankara: ~VC~ if the universe be true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived, it must be unreal and false like dreams.  
That is why Sri, Sankara declaration: ~ Brahman is the truth The World is Unreal everything is Truly Brahman and nothing Else has any value.

If you are seeking truth then do not waste time finding a Guru and become his slave.  The Gurudom belongs to the religious and yogic path and it is nothing to do with the Advaitic path.

Upanishads:~  Fools dwelling in darkness, but thinking they wise and erudite, go round and round, by various tortuous paths, like the blind led by the blind. (Upanishads Nikilanada - Ch II-5 P-14)

There is no need of a Guru, to know you and your Guru and the world in which you exist are created out of single clay and that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.  Knowledge of that single stuff is the self-knowledge of Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  Gnana is given neither from outside nor from another person.
There is no need to follow anyone. There is no need to practice anything but perfect understanding and assimilation of ‘what is what’ leads to realizing the truth, which is beyond the form, time and space.

The Soul the ’Self’ reveals ‘what is real’ and ‘what is unreal” when the seeker is receptive and ready. 
Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to study the Scriptures, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman
~ then why you indulge in studying the scriptures.

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to study philosophy, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman
~then why you indulge in studying philosophies.

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to indulge rituals, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman

~then why you indulge in rituals.

Sage Sankara says: ~ there is no need to indulge yoga, in order to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman

~then why you indulge in yoga.

Sage Sri, Sankara says the transparent Truth of the Self, which is hidden by the illusion, is to be attained through the instructions of a knower of Brahman, (Gnani)

~ then why you are sticking a Guru who is not a Gnani.

Sage Sri, Sankara says: ~ “The exercise in discrimination between real and unreal and renunciation of the false is real meditation, then why you are indulging in other types of meditation.
Those who tell you that Brahman is unity, that you can get it only by intuition, that you should not reason, you should not question or inquire, are deluding you. Verification must come by thought. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sage Sri Sankara: ~ All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman (consciousness).*****

Sage Sri Sankara: ~ VC~ All this universe which through ignorance appears as of diverse forms, is nothing else but Brahman (consciousness) which is absolutely free from all the limitations of human thought.

The universe is the product of ignorance. The ignorance is present in the form of the ‘I’.
Sage Sri, Sankara says: - VC-47   All the effects of ignorance, root, and branch, are burnt down by the fire of knowledge, which arises from discrimination between these two—the Self and the not-Self.

Till you think you are an individual separate from the world and the world existed prior to you and you are born in it afterward the ignorance will prevail as a reality.  Till ignorance is there the universe prevails as reality.
 Sage Sri, Sankara says ~ “The exercise in discrimination between real and unreal and renunciation of the false is real meditation, then why you are indulging in other types of meditation.

Perfect understanding and realization of ‘what is what’ leads Self-awareness. By holding on to theories one remains in the realm of duality. You have to mentally go on dropping what is not truth through deeper Self-search. Finally when you becomes aware of the fact that, your ego, your body, and the world are one in essence then there is Self-awareness in the midst of duality. 

Sage Sri, Sankara says ~ V.63 ~ "Without knowing and examining the external world, one can’t know Truth, as the idea that the external world exists, won't go. It can go only by an inquiry into the nature of the external world.

In Advaitic  Self-awareness, the ego is not considered as ego, even though ego is present, the body is not considered as body even though body is present, the world which confronts him is not considered as the world even though the world is present, the duality ceases even though the duality is present, because of wisdom everything is considered as consciousness. Thus there is conscious oneness.

Only in ignorance, the world in which we exist is an illusion created out of the Soul, the ‘Self’. 

The universe is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.

People's approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. That is why all the confusion.

The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it. In fact, our mental and intellectual conditions determine the world, observed and experienced. The commoner viewing the world will see differently from a Gnani viewing the same world. Each one interprets the world that they see in terms of their existing knowledge. The commoner sees everything based on the ego, therefore, experiences the birth, life, death and the world as a reality, whereas a Gnani sees everything as the consciousness and he is fully aware of the fact that, there is no second thing exists other than the Soul or the consciousness. Thus, all the egocentric (religious) adulteration has to be bifurcated to realize the ultimate truth, which is beyond form, time and space.

Sage Sri, Sankara says you must first know what is before you. If you cannot know that, what else can you know or understand? If you give up the external world in your inquiry, you cannot get the whole truth.

The Soul' the 'Self' reveals ‘what is real’ and ‘what is unreal” when the seeker is receptive and ready.

It takes time for the seeker to gain the perfect understanding of ‘what is truth’ and ‘’what is untruth’. It takes time for the Soul, the innermost Self to wake up from the sleep of ignorance, and it takes time for one realizes the truth, which is beyond the form, time and space.
Sage Sri, Sankara says: - VC-162-  “There is no liberation for a person of mere book-knowledge, howsoever well-read in the philosophy of Vedanta, so long as one does not give up the false identification with the body, sense organs, etc., which are unreal.

First, realize the ‘Self’ is not you but the ‘Self’ is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness. Mentally hold on the Soul and mentally reduce the world in which you exist as consciousness by realizing the world in which you exist is nothing but an illusion created out of the consciousness. 

Swami Vivekananda: ~Jñāna Yoga is divided into three parts. First: hearing the truth--that the Atman is the only reality and that everything else is Maya. Second: reasoning upon this philosophy from all points of view. Third: giving up all further argumentation and realizing the truth. This realization comes from being certain that Brahman is real and everything else is unreal.
Sage Sri, Sankara: ~ VC In the dream state, even though there is no contact with the outside world, the Soul alone projects the entire dream universe of enjoyer, enjoyment etc. Similarly, the waking state is no different. All this world of pluralistic phenomena is illusory projection.
Chandogya Upanishad:~ One who meditates upon and realizes the 'Self' discovers that everything in the cosmos-- energy and space, fire and water, name and form, birth and death, mind and will, word and deed, mantrams and meditation--all come from the Self.

Sage Sri, Goudpada: ~To establish the truth of Non-duality by sheer reasoning alone. He begins by defining "What is real?" "What is unreal?" etc, because that is the right way to discuss or teach. People must first know what they are talking about. (Mandukya Karika)

The consciousness is the only reality in which the universe exists, to which the universe belongs; from which the universe has emerged, which is the cause of the universe and which itself is uncaused.  Thus, the universe is nothing but the consciousness. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom becomes very easy to grasp when one gains soulcentric vision of the universe.*****

Sage Sankara’s Advaitic wisdom becomes very easy to grasp when one gains soulcentric vision of the universe. 

If your intention is to preach or teach Advaita you will never be able to grasp the Advaitic truth.  Advaitic wisdom continually shared to humanity without any expectation and helps the humanity to wake up to the reality.    More you share more inner grace you gain.   
Sri Swami Vivekananda says as below. Advaita encompasses everything. Since Advaita requires heavy-duty intellectualism, it had to be progressively simplified. (From 'The Complete works of Swami Vivekananda)
People dwelling in the ignorance, but thinking themselves wise and erudite, go round and round by various blind beliefs and tortuous paths and practices, like the blind led by the blind.
Swami Vivekananda said:~ "The Vedas teach that the Soul is divine, only held in the bondage of matter; perfection will be reached when this bond will burst, and the word they use for it is, therefore, Mukthi - freedom, freedom from the bonds of imperfection, freedom from death and misery."
The Advaitic truth is very simple, but it is very difficult to grasp because of the ignorance. You have to only realize the world in which you exist is created out of single clay. And that single clay is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.
Thus, you and your body and the world in which you exist are nothing but consciousness because they are mere an illusion created out of the consciousness. Perfect understanding of ‘what is what’ is needed. 
Ashtavakra Gita: ~Truly the dualism is the root of suffering. There is no other remedy for it than the realization that all this that we see is unreal and that the Soul, the innermost Self, is the one stainless reality, consisting of the consciousness”. 2:16

The sun, the moon, the stars, planets shine because of the Soul or Spirit. The Soul shines and all things else shine as a result. Everything in the universe reflects but that light of the Soul which is present in the form of consciousness. Merely to know the truth is not enough to escape from the tangle of illusion.

The mind is in the form of the universe. From the standpoint of the Soul the innermost Self the universe is merely an illusion.  The illusion arises from ignorance. Enlightenment comes with detachment from the illusion by realizing the experience of the form, time and space are one in essence.

Ashtavakra Gita: ~ “The Self is pure awareness though through ignorance the ‘Self' has imagined itself to have additional attributes. By continually reflecting like this, the Self’s dwelling place is in the unimagined. 2:17

Ashtavakra Gita: ~For the 'Self', there is neither bondage nor liberation. The illusion has lost its basis and ceased. Truly all this exists in me, though ultimately it does not even exist in the Self. 2:18

By saying I know the truth; I know Brahman is not wisdom. The Truth is found only in the Unity of understanding that is the knowledge of both the matter and the Spirit. That is the matter and the spirit, are one in essence.  And that essence the Spirit, which is present in the form of the Soul or consciousness.

When one knows matter and spirit together, one has “Gnana or wisdom." One must have the humility to get to the very root of the matter.

Instead of discussing religion, religious Gods and yoga, the seeker should dive in deeper self-search.

Deeper self-search will reveal that all fault lies because of holding the ‘I’ as the Self.  People refuse to accept other than their accepted truth because they have accepted some Gurus’ words or teaching as the ultimate truth.

 This perceptions and attitudes block their realization of the Advaitic truth, which is beyond the form, time and space.  The seeker must be ready to correct wherever it is necessary and accept the truth and drop the untruth.  This and change their attitude will change their perception  of seeing the world from dualistic perspective to nondualistic perspective and then the world, in which they exist  will  never remain as a reality   again. Same way as a dream become unreal when waking takes place, the world,  in which they exist becomes unreal when wisdom dawns.  : ~ Santthosh Kumaar