Thursday 6 April 2017

The one who realizes the Matter and the Spirit are one, in essence, enters the Advaitic awareness.*****

The one who realizes the Matter and the Spirit are one, in essence, enters the Advaitic awareness
The multitude of so many different theories, opinions, fancies which prevail, are merely ideas based on the dualistic perspective. Whatever is based on the dualistic perspective is bound to be falsehood because the reality is based on the nondualistic perspective.
The duality is based on the matter whereas the nonduality is based on Spirit. The matter is nothing but an illusion created out of the Spirit. Therefore, the Spirit alone is real and eternal. Thus, whatever is based on the Spirit is real and eternal. The is based on the matter is bound to be an illusion.
The ‘I’ is nothing but the matter.
The mind is nothing but matter.
The universe is nothing but the matter.
The waking is nothing but matter.
The Soul is the Spirit.
On the standpoint of the Soul, the matter is an illusion created out of the Spirit.
On the standpoint of the Soul, the mind is an illusion created out of the Spirit.
On the standpoint of the Soul, the universe is an illusion created out of the Spirit.
On the standpoint of the Soul, the waking is an illusion created out of the Spirit.
The one who realizes the Matter and the Spirit are one, in essence, enters the Advaitic awareness in the midst of the dualistic illusion. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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