It is not possible to get rid of the ego alone. You are the ego. Without you, the ego ceases to exist. The ego is the basis of the world in which you exist.
You cannot go beyond the ego because you are the ego. The ego is the very basis of the world in which you exist. It is impossible to get rid of the ego.
Ignorant see the world egocentric vision, so he takes the world in which he exits as a reality. Gnani sees the world in which he exists from soulcentric vision so, he sees the world as nothing but an illusion created out of the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.
A Gnani is an exceptional one sees the consciousness everywhere. The Soul is present in the form of the consciousness infinite. The Soul alone is real and eternal therefore the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness, is ultimate truth or Brahman or God, the one without the second. One without the second means Advaita.
Advaita is the nature of the Soul, the innermost Self. The world in which you exist is created out of single stuff. That single stuff is consciousness. Knowledge of the single stuff is Advaitic wisdom.
Advaitic truth is very simple, but it is very difficult to realize because you have accumulated mental garbage from different sources in the name of Advaita. Until you discard all the accumulated knowledge you will never be able to realize the Advaitic truth, which is beyond the form, time and space.
The Advaita is the nature of the Soul, the 'Self'shines on its own its awareness when wisdom dawns.
The Advaita is the Soul is the cause and the support of all that exists as the world in which we exist. Advaita is the nature of the God, the innermost Self.
The Advaita is present in the form of the consciousness. Advaita is the root element of the universe. From the Advaita, the universe comes into existence. In the Advaita, the universe resides. And into the Advaita, the universe is dissolved. The Advaita is the parent of all that is there is.
The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it. In fact, our mental and intellectual conditions determine the object (three states), observed and experienced. The commoner viewing the world will see differently from a Gnani viewing the same world. Each one interprets the world that they see in terms of their existing knowledge. The commoner sees everything based on the ego, therefore, he sees the world in which he exists as a reality, whereas a Gnani sees everything as the consciousness and he is fully aware of the fact that, there is no second thing exists other than the Soul or the consciousness (subject). Thus, all the objective observation has to be bifurcated to realize the ultimate truth, which is beyond form, time and space.
Only on the dualistic perspective, the changes takes place. On nondualistic perspective, there are no changes. Those who believe in the dualistic world as a reality feels the knowledge changes time to time but they must realize their knowledge is limited to the form time and space whereas the Self-knowledge is the knowledge of the beyond the form, time and space.
The change is possible only in ignorance. The ignorance is the cause of experiencing the world in which exist as a reality. The consciousness is the cause of the world in which we exist and it itself is uncaused.
The world in which we exist is dependent on the consciousness of its existence but the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness, is independent. On the standpoint of the Soul, the innermost Self, the world in which we exist is mere an illusion.
Only within the illusion the changes takes place, the illusory changes within the illusion is bound to be an illusion. In reality, the consciousness alone is real and eternal. Thus, the knowledge of the eternal will be always eternal. The intellectual knowledge based on the form, time and space is bound to change time to time as science progresses in its dualistic inventions.
The consciousness is ever changeless because it is formless, timeless and spaceless existence. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar
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