Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Jesus said:~ "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find.***

Biblical spiritual insight says: - “Spirit is my Father, I and my Father are one”.

~ if the Spirit is the ‘father’ then the ‘son’ is bound to be Spirit. Therefore, both father and son are one in essence. Here “Spirit”-- means the Soul, the innermost Self.
“I” means ~ “the mind or universe” – “the Soul” and “the Mind (I)” are one in essence—means both mind and Soul are Spirit, therefore, there is no second thing exists other than the Spirit.
The God cannot exist without the Soul because Soul itself is the Spirit. That is the Soul itself is God.
Jesus said:~ "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all." (Gospel of Thomas 2)

 "The Kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, Not in a mansion of wood and stone.  Split a piece of wood and God is there, Lift a stone and you will find God." (Gospel of Thomas)

1.According to the New Testament, Jesus said to his disciples: To you, it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand’ (Luke, 8:10). While speaking to the multitude in a veiled manner, ‘privately to his own disciples he explained everything’ (Mark, 4:34), and advised them not to ‘throw your pearls before swine’ (Matthew, 7:6).

The Bible says: ~ God is a Spirit, and they that worship God  must worship God in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24)”,
The Spirit is the root element of the universe. The Spirit is present in the form of the Soul, the innermost Self. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. From the Spirit, the universe comes into existence. In the Spirit, the universe resides. And into the Spirit, the universe is dissolved. The Spirit is the parent of all that is there is.
If God is formless Spirit, then how does the man know God created the world? There is no proof. If the man had seen God creating the world, he could admit it, but how could he have seen God before he came into existence? (i.e. were created).
The Spirit is the root element of the universe. The Spirit is present in the form of the Soul, the innermost Self. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness. From the Spirit, the universe comes into existence. In the Spirit, the universe resides. And into the Spirit, the universe is dissolved. The Spirit is the parent of all that is there is.
Jesus said: ~ Do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you. (Matthew -7:6) 
~He meant Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana (pearls) should not be given to the ignorant populace (pigs).
Jesus really say? To the multitude, he said, “God is in heaven; try to go there,” and to reach that end he said to overcome certain temptations and sufferings.
To his followers, he said, “God is everywhere; try to see Him.” and gave explanations to that effect.
To the close circle of apostles, he said, “God is in me and in you too,” and actually revealed this to them.
Why did Jesus say different things? Owing to the time and the persons, according to their readiness to listen and understand. What Jesus meant was to leave all and follow him; that means to know him, see him, and experience him.
The teachings that are being followed by Christians are not the real teachings that Christ gave. The priests have altered his words, added to his teachings and spoiled them.
Jesus said: ~ Seek and ye shall find. Knock the doors shall open to you.
The Spirit is present in the form of the consciousness. Everything is consciousness. All the moments are within the dualistic illusion. Whatever happens within the dualistic illusion is bound to be an illusion created out of the consciousness. Thus, the consciousness alone is real and all else is mere an illusion.
The spiritual meaning of Christ is the ultimate truth. The truth is Spirit or consciousness. Thus, the Spirit has to be taken as God, not the form. When one is capable of viewing the world view on the base of Spirit (God), there is nothing exist other than the Spirit the real God. Since people view the worldview on the physical base (son) they become ignorant of the Christ, which is Spirit, the ultimate truth. Therefore, there is a need to understand the fact that, Christ is not physical, but Christ is consciousness (Spirit).
Soul or Christ can remain with or without the dualistic illusion (world). But the duality (mind) ceases to exist without the Christ. When one discovers the soul is Christ, the mind becomes still and automatically one knows the soul is God or Christ or Spirit.
Spirit is my father and ‘I’ and my father are one.
If the father is the Spirit the son is bound to be the Sprit.
The father and Son are one in essence.
That essence is the Spirit, the Christ without the form, time and space.
The Christ is without the Second.
The Advaita is the nature of the Christ, the Spirit.
If the Spirit is the father the son is bound to be the Spirit. The Spirit, the beloved alone is real and all else is mere an illusion.
There is no God in the dualistic illusion because the dualistic illusion created out of God, which is present in the form of the Spirit or the consciousness. Thus, God alone is real.
Spirit is prior to Love. Love implies duality. The love hides God. When love disappears the God appears. Find the Self and Love the Self and rest in God, which is the Spirit, the real the Advaitic Christ. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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